You Are What you Eat - A Philosophical Enquiry into why we eat what we do
Contemporary culture has an obsession with food. We eat too much, we don't eat enough. This is bad for us, this is good for us. Try this diet, look at these recipes. Jamie Oliver. Jamie Oliver . Jamie Oliver . Food is being blamed for our the way our children behave, the way adults don't behave, the recession, the credit crunch and the end of the world as we know it . It is mentioned on the news , in the papers, in the House of Commons and on almost every report on the state of the nation. and seems to be current number one on the list of problems with the Western world . We all eat too much, we all eat the wrong things and we are all going to die. However, for all the bombast and hyperbole no-one appears to be coming to any solutions. There is a reason for this. We cannot find a solution because the right questions are not being asked in the first place. It should be not as simple as just deciding what is bad for us and what is good for us. Humans are not that simple. No ...