Living Bellisimo - A Cycle through Italia
This, the third of my cycling adventures, is a trip to discover an ethic. While America was about finding identity and the Alps a journey into the metaphysical the Italian Adventure is about trying to work out how to live my life. How to live a beautiful life. How to live – Bellisimo. I am at a point where I really am going to have to figure this out. I am 33. I am not going to have liberty forever. Soon I am going to have accept an existence in the world of careers and children and marriages and nice houses, and that's fine, I know one day that this will happen and that's okay. Its a nice way to live. But who am I to be as a part of it? Have I become all I wanted to be and if so, how do I know I have? I thought I was all I wanted to be at twenty and I am certainly not the same as I was then. Can I still change and do I want to? At the outset of this adventure the answer to the latter of these questions is a nonchalant 'no.' I am hopelessly secure. I ha...