Coping with Cancer - Exercise

Happy new year from planet cancer. After a couple of weeks of big eating and big partying its back to reality: painful injections, toxic chemotherapy drugs and, worst of all, work! The REALLY good news is that I’m now off the hardcore Oxaliplatin drugs. The bad news is, I still have three months of Capecitabine (pills that you’re not allowed to touch because there so poisonous). Ah well, it might get rid of that New Year’s hangover. Today I want to talk about exercise. Its something that most of us try and do more of in the new year, but also something that many of us find ourselves doing much less of by April. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ve made a pledge to run the London Marathon in April, despite all that’s happened, and so I better do some training. Exercise is good for us. It keeps us healthy and stops us getting horrible diseases. Right? I really want to still believe this, but there is nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me otherwise. ‘You spent t...