Living Foods Saved my Marriage
I have been asked to do an article by a friend about Raw Food and the effect it can have an the life of an individual. As you will see from previous entries, I am well aware of the influence diet can have on what we do and how we act, so thought it would be an interesting exercise to consider this in a potentially real-life situation, rather than the 'Q&A/comment' style that most lazy journalism follows. I hope you find it interesting. Check out this blog for some further thoughts and the website of Silvia Clausin , who was kind enough to recruit me to contribute. Needless to say, the recipes are all hers. LIVING FOODS SAVED MY MARRIAGE I have a confession to make. This Valentine’s Day will mark the beginning of the third year of my marriage and I think it’s going to be the last. It’s hard to admit it, and I know this isn’t a simple thing to say, but it’s going stale. It’s not like we don’t like each other or don’t talk to each other, but in terms of physical attraction, f...