Coping with Cancer - Graduation

Seven crazy months have passed and the chemo journey is almost at an end. One thousand doses of poisonous drugs done, only a few more to go, and by the end of the week I’ll be ready to get back into the world. Life will be different, but hopefully will be even more awesome than before. In this final blog, I’d like to try and pass on some of the lessons I’ve learned along the journey. I wouldn’t wish cancer or chemotherapy on anyone, but the reality is that a good percentage of us will have to deal with it at some point in our lives, so its worth getting a little lowdown. Here then, in the spirit of Baz Lurrhman’s Sunscreen Song , is my chemo graduation speech, (ideally accompanied by this backing track). I hope you find it useful. Everybody’s Free (to use Wet Wipes) If I could offer you only one tip for chemotherapy, Wet wipes would be it. The practical benefits of wet wipes have been proven by any...