10 things I have learned from elite marathon running

10 things I have learned from elite marathon running

  1. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you to be sensible.
  2. Never make value judgements. Things aren’t good or bad. There are just different
  3. Don’t try to pre-think a race. It will mean NOTHING when you are on the course.
  4. Zone. Find a zone and keep it. Learn to develop a strong sense of this.
  5. There is something great at the end. Transcendentally great. The more you move beyond your limits, the better it is.
  6. Your body will always try to play things safe. Have something in your mind that is different to this – it doesn’t matter what it is. It will probably be mental, but keep believing in it.
  7. Don’t get cocky. There is always someone better than you. But always be proud of your successes.
  8. Don’t give up alcohol. The sense of guilt can sometimes be invaluable.
  9. Develop ways to push your limits. Walk up that mountain, get on that plane - when your brain tells you to take the sensible option – don’t take it.
  10. Eat lots, rest lots and have a good sofa.

I ran my first marathon in Brussels 5 years ago. I had 2 hours sleep on a sofa. My race nutrition was a Murray Mint on the start line. I had to ask spectators how far a marathon was in kms.
Its only running. There is no sport simpler. Try really hard and you can do it.


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