Coping with Cancer - Chemotherapy or November?

1. Wake up. Its 7am and its still dark. Weigh up motivations for getting up or staying in bed. Stay in bed for another hour.
2. Take 800 mg of highly toxic cancer medication
3. Check the TV guide over breakfast. The highlight of the day is University Challenge – which doesn’t start for another twelve hours. What am I going to for the rest of the day?
4. Read a book for ten minutes to try and feel productive. Decide its too early. Watch the new Taylor Swift video on You Tube instead, then make a cup of coffee.
5. Spend the morning arranging old holiday photos on Facebook. I used to be so happy and good looking. What’s happened?
6. Eat some toast, then stab myself in the stomach with an immune boosting injection. Regret eating the toast.
7. Spend an hour looking for Christmas films on Netflix, then turn it off and watch a repeat of How I Met Your Mother on Channel 4.
8. Change into running kit. Jog around the kitchen until it stops raining. It doesn’t stop raining, so change out of running kit and take a shower. Realise that I might as well have run in the rain.
9. Consider ordering a Domino’s pizza for lunch, then make a cheese sandwich instead. Feel ridiculously virtuous for making this decision.
10. Its still raining. Close the curtains, take some steroids and snuggle up with the cat to watch La La Land.
11. Enter competitions to win holidays to LA. Then enter more competitions to win a holiday anywhere. Then enter a competition to win a year’s supply of things I don’t need - like butter.
12. Go to bed for an hour, just because.
13. Walk to the shop to buy something for dinner. Buy some cat food and a chocolate bar. Forget to buy anything for dinner.
14. Consider going for a run, but it starts to rain again. Stay in and check Facebook instead. No-one is doing anything interesting, so make my own cancer update. No-one seems interested in that either.
15. Walk to Domino’s in full set of gloves, scarf and handwarmers. The rain soaks through my gloves and gives me painful peripheral neuropathy. Wonder if cancer justifies getting pizza delivered (Domino’s is three minutes’ walk away).
16. Take some highly toxic chemotherapy drugs, washed down with some chicken dippers in garlic sauce. Then take three anti-nausea pills and tuck into the cheesy chilli bites.
17. Check Facebook. Five comments on my latest cancer update. A lot of people saying that I’m being really brave and wanting to pray for me. Little do they know what I do all day.
18. Watch University Challenge in blank, depressing silence.
19. Watch five minutes of Nigella’s Christmas, then decide to go to bed. Read a book for five minutes, watch some more Taylor Swift videos, then pass out.
20. Wake up the next morning. The chemo nausea is better. Decide I must be completely fine and go for a run. Today is going to be a better day. Then it starts raining again.
Chemotherapy 2, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20
November 1, 3, 4 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19.


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